14 days forecast Bad Neustadt an der Saale

See the weather for the coming 14 days in Bad Neustadt an der Saale.

Monday, February 24
Grey due to fog or dense fog

/ 10°

Wind direction
Sun 10%

Grey due to fog or dense fog

Total precipitation 0.2 mm
Precipitation chance 5%
UV index 1
Tuesday, February 25
Cloudy with some rain


Wind direction
Sun 0%

Cloudy with some rain

Total precipitation 8.1 mm
Precipitation chance 95%
UV index 0
Wednesday, February 26
Regular sun, also clouds


Wind direction
Sun 45%

Regular sun, also clouds

Total precipitation 0.7 mm
Precipitation chance 20%
UV index 0
Thursday, February 27
Regular sun, also clouds


Wind direction
Sun 35%

Regular sun, also clouds

Total precipitation 0.8 mm
Precipitation chance 25%
UV index 0
Friday, February 28
Lots of sun, few clouds


Wind direction
Sun 75%

Lots of sun, few clouds

Total precipitation 0.4 mm
Precipitation chance 10%
UV index 1
Saturday, March 1
Lots of sun, few clouds


Wind direction
Sun 80%

Lots of sun, few clouds

Total precipitation 0.2 mm
Precipitation chance 0%
UV index 1

Sunday, March 2
Regular sun, also clouds


Wind direction
Sun 55%

Regular sun, also clouds

Total precipitation 0.9 mm
Precipitation chance 30%
UV index 1
Monday, March 3
Sun and chance of a shower


Wind direction
Sun 55%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 1.7 mm
Precipitation chance 55%
UV index 1
Tuesday, March 4
Sun and chance of a shower


Wind direction
Sun 30%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 2.6 mm
Precipitation chance 75%
UV index 0
Wednesday, March 5
Sun and chance of a shower


Wind direction
Sun 30%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 1.8 mm
Precipitation chance 60%
UV index 1
Thursday, March 6
Sun and chance of a shower


Wind direction
Sun 55%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 1 mm
Precipitation chance 35%
UV index 1

Friday, March 7
Lots of sun, few clouds

/ 11°

Wind direction
Sun 70%

Lots of sun, few clouds

Total precipitation 0.9 mm
Precipitation chance 30%
UV index 1
Saturday, March 8
Sun and chance of a shower

/ 12°

Wind direction
Sun 70%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 1.4 mm
Precipitation chance 50%
UV index 1
Sunday, March 9
Sun and chance of a shower

/ 10°

Wind direction
Sun 60%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 1.1 mm
Precipitation chance 35%
UV index 1
Monday, March 10
Sun and chance of a shower

/ 10°

Wind direction
Sun 55%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 1.3 mm
Precipitation chance 45%
UV index 1