14 days forecast Klenica

See the weather for the coming 14 days in Klenica.

Saturday, December 28
Lots of sun, few clouds


Wind direction
Sun 75%

Lots of sun, few clouds

Total precipitation 0 mm
Precipitation chance 5%
UV index 0
Sunday, December 29
Regular sun, also clouds

-1° /

Wind direction
Sun 50%

Regular sun, also clouds

Total precipitation 0 mm
Precipitation chance 5%
UV index 0
Monday, December 30
Fully cloudy


Wind direction
Sun 5%

Fully cloudy

Total precipitation 0.1 mm
Precipitation chance 5%
UV index 0
Tuesday, December 31
Regular sun, also clouds


Wind direction
Sun 60%

Regular sun, also clouds

Total precipitation 0.5 mm
Precipitation chance 15%
UV index 0
Wednesday, January 1
Sun and chance of a shower


Wind direction
Sun 30%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 2.9 mm
Precipitation chance 75%
UV index 0
Thursday, January 2
Cloudy with some drizzle


Wind direction
Sun 20%

Cloudy with some drizzle

Total precipitation 2.9 mm
Precipitation chance 75%
UV index 0

Friday, January 3
Sun and chance of a shower


Wind direction
Sun 60%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 1.1 mm
Precipitation chance 40%
UV index 0
Saturday, January 4
Regular sun, also clouds

-1° /

Wind direction
Sun 60%

Regular sun, also clouds

Total precipitation 1 mm
Precipitation chance 30%
UV index 0
Sunday, January 5
Sun and chance of a shower

-1° /

Wind direction
Sun 50%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 2 mm
Precipitation chance 65%
UV index 0
Monday, January 6
Sun and chance of a shower


Wind direction
Sun 55%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 1 mm
Precipitation chance 35%
UV index 0
Tuesday, January 7
Regular sun, also clouds


Wind direction
Sun 60%

Regular sun, also clouds

Total precipitation 0.8 mm
Precipitation chance 25%
UV index 0

Wednesday, January 8
Regular sun, also clouds

-1° /

Wind direction
Sun 60%

Regular sun, also clouds

Total precipitation 0.8 mm
Precipitation chance 25%
UV index 0
Thursday, January 9
Sun and chance of a shower


Wind direction
Sun 50%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 1.3 mm
Precipitation chance 45%
UV index 0
Friday, January 10
Sun and chance of a shower


Wind direction
Sun 50%

Sun and chance of a shower

Total precipitation 1 mm
Precipitation chance 35%
UV index 0
Saturday, January 11
Regular sun, also clouds


Wind direction
Sun 50%

Regular sun, also clouds

Total precipitation 0.9 mm
Precipitation chance 30%
UV index 0